The term superfood has become very popular in recent years, and we often hear it in connection with several types of food. But which foods can receive this prestigious title, and what exactly makes a food or raw material "super"?

The answer to this is very simple, that food will be a superfood, which offers more health benefits compared to other ingredients due to its favorable nutritional composition.

Knowing this, let's review the most popular superfoods:

Chia seed

The chia seed comes from Mexico, and we know that it was already consumed by the Mayans, and was even one of their basic raw materials. It is interesting that the word chia means oily in the Aztec dialect.

This tiny black (or white or brown) seed has several beneficial properties.

Most importantly, it has a significant content of omega-3 fatty acid, which is an unsaturated fatty acid that our body needs. In addition, it has a high protein content, is full of antioxidants and is a good source of calcium, iron and magnesium. Due to its high fiber content, it reduces the absorption of carbohydrates.

The seeds can be mixed into or sprinkled on almost any food or drink.

If we soak them in liquid, the seeds get a jelly texture. This is how chia pudding is made, for example. In addition, it can be mixed into cakes, yogurt, porridge, granola, milkshakes, or even cottage cheese dumplings.

However, keep in mind that the recommended daily intake should not exceed 15 grams, which corresponds to approximately 1.5 tablespoons.


Goji, also known as wolfberry after its English name (wolfberry), is a superfood that has been used in Chinese medicine for more than 2,000 years.

Among other things, they saw in it the secret of youth, but they also found its consumption favorable from the point of view of liver and kidney health.

In China, it was not only used as a functional food, but was part of their daily diet. In the last 30 years, there have been several studies on the active ingredients of the goji berry, and researchers have extracted a new protein-carbohydrate molecule complex from the wolfberry, which they named Lycium Barbarum polysaccharide (LBP). This is also attributed to its immune-boosting effect.

In addition to a large amount of vitamin C, it also contains vitamin A, as well as 18 types of amino acids and 21 types of minerals. Perhaps the richest source of antioxidants, carotenoids and potassium in the world, the compound called zeaxanthin in it also protects the health of our eyes.

It is mainly found in dried form, and this form is also the most commonly consumed in China.

Goji berries are eaten in muesli, soups, milkshakes, and even with various porridges. It is suitable for cakes, granola, and can even be cooked in rice as a side dish.

Aloe vera

Aloe gel or aloe concentrate obtained from the Aloe vera plant is also a top superfood. We meet this plant not only in our nutrition, but also in beauty care, as it is also a raw material for many cosmetics.

Aloe vera is a plant with succulent leaves from South Africa.

Its internal use has many advantages, including excellent hydration.

Thanks to its high phytonutrient content, it protects the health of our liver.

Its daily consumption can help restore digestion and normal intestinal flora. It strengthens the immune system thanks to its high vitamin and mineral content, as it also contains vitamins C, E, B, folic acid, selenium, magnesium, manganese and zinc.

Consuming it internally controls the production of stomach acid, and in the case of an incipient stomach ulcer, it can prevent the growth of the ulcer.

Since it is rich in enzymes that help break down carbohydrates and fats, it can be used effectively in a weight loss diet.

It also has an anti-inflammatory effect, and its high amino acid content contributes to tissue formation.

Plantain seed pods

Egyptian plantain is an annual plant native to India.

The seed coat is a substance rich in mucilage, which forms a gel when mixed with water in the stomach.

Az útifű maghéj 85% rostot tartalmaz, és ez az a tulajdonsága, ami szuperélelmiszerré tette, ugyanis magas rosttartalma segíthet csökkenteni a koleszterinszintet. Testsúlycsökkentő étrendben gyakran javasolják, mert csökkenti az éhségérzetet, valamint lassítja a szénhidrátok felszívódását.

It is a popular ingredient in the vegan diet, as it can be used, for example, in cakes instead of eggs. 1 egg equals 1 tablespoon of plantain seed husk mixed with 50 ml of water. However, it can also be consumed simply mixed into drinks (water, tea, fruit juice), it can be used to thicken vegetables, fruit soups, fruit sauces, puddings, yogurt, pancake batter, and milkshakes.

It is also popular as a gluten-free ingredient in breads.

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