Gynecological complaints and their treatment with the onset of cold weather
With the arrival of cooler, wetter weather, the risk of not only respiratory and colds, but also gynecological infections and diseases increases. Our immune system usually becomes weaker in the cold, so we can be more susceptible to bacterial and viral infections, especially in closed spaces or heated rooms with dry air, where pathogens they can spread easily.
What gynecological diseases are we exposed to in the cold seasons and how should they be prevented and treated?
Cystitis – a cold
Cystitis, also known as the common cold, is one of the most common diseases in the autumn and winter months, which can easily be associated with gynecological symptoms. Because of the cold, the blood circulation in the pelvic region may weaken, so the protection of the bladder and surrounding tissues may also become weaker, which gives an opportunity for bacteria, especially E. coli, to colonize, which can cause complaints.
Treatment and prevention:
- In the case of cystitis, it is worth making an appointment with our gynecologist, who in most cases will recommend personalized antibiotic therapy depending on the complaints. In addition to antibiotic treatment, it is also very important to drink plenty of fluids, which helps to remove bacteria from our body.
- A felfázás megelőzésében kiemelkedő fontosságú a megfelelő öltözködés, például a derék és a lábak melegen tartása. Ezekben az időszakokban érdemes kerülni a hideg felületekre való leülést, mivel ez is nagyban hozzájárulhat a felfázás kialakulásához.
Vaginal infections
Another common gynecological problem in the autumn and winter months is vaginal infection, which often appears as a fungal infection. Cold weather and heated, dry air can dry out the lining of the vagina, which can reduce the natural defenses of the vagina, making it easier for fungi to multiply.
Treatment and prevention:
- Fungal infection can be treated with topical antifungal creams and suppositories, while in more severe cases oral medications may also be necessary, but in any case, it is worth first determining the exact cause of the problem and applying the treatment recommended by the gynecologist.
- From the point of view of prevention, on the one hand, it may be important to avoid tight, synthetic underwear, instead wearing underwear made of natural materials is recommended.
- Strengthening the immune system is extremely important during these months in order to prevent diseases, so it is recommended to take adequate vitamin intake, especially vitamins C and D, and taking probiotics can also contribute to the health of the vaginal flora.
Influenza and its gynecological complications
The flu season falls on the winter months, and the flu can aggravate gynecological symptoms or cause complications, especially for pregnant women. Influenza infection can weaken the body's general defenses, thereby increasing the risk of vaginal or urinary tract infections.
Treatment and prevention:
- Influenza vaccination is especially recommended for more susceptible groups, such as pregnant women, to avoid complications from the flu.
- During the flu infection, it is also of utmost importance to strengthen our immune system, and it is recommended to observe proper hygiene and frequent hand washing.
Colds and hormonal imbalance
The winter cold and less sunlight can affect our hormonal balance, which, for example, can also lead to a disturbance in the menstrual cycle. Less sunlight and vitamin deficiency can weaken our general well-being and immune system, which can also increase the risk of various gynecological infections.
Treatment and prevention:
- In the event of a hormonal imbalance, it is worth visiting our gynecologists and endocrinologists, who offer personalized and effective treatment to the patients who come to them.
- In order to avoid an upset in our hormonal balance, it is extremely important to reduce stress, get adequate rest and follow a healthy diet.
- Furthermore, during these months, vitamin D supplementation is particularly important, as its lack can affect both our mood and our hormonal health.