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HPV (Human Papillomavirus) is a family of viruses that can cause skin and on the mucous membrane growths. This is the most common sexually transmitted virus in the world, with more than 130 types known now. HPV infection has many symptoms, but it can often be completely asymptomatic.


Viral wart

This benign squamous cell carcinoma is usually small clumps of 2-5 mm in diameter on the fingers and back. In most cases hands are free of pain, but walking on the feet can cause great pain.

Certain types of HPV virus reproduce around the vagina: from the urethra to the anus on the skin surface and from the labia to the uterus in the vagina.

Forms of appearance in this area:

Featureless infection

In this case the infection is inflammation of the vagina that can cause discomfort and watery, slightly purulent discharge.


It means viral warts around the anus and the genitals. Over time, the virus develops cauliflower-like growths and warts. It requires constant treatment, because it is extremely viral. It can be undetected for up to half a year, so it is advisable to consult a doctor when you experience the first symptoms.

Cervical dysplasia

In most cases the cervical dysplasia is a precancerous condition of the cervical cancer with benign cervical epithelial changes.

Most of the cervical cancer caused by the HPV, therefore regular gynecological examination recommended in addition to HPV vaccination. We provide regular cytology and HPV screening provided.

During the HPV screening, a special brush is used to sample the surface of the cervix and initial section of the uterine neck.

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