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Although we fight hard and persevere, we still haven't been able to achieve the ideal figure we want?

Here are some reasons that can prevent us from losing weight:

Low calorie intake

In order for the basic functions of our body to function properly, it needs a basic amount of calories. Basal metabolic rate (BMR) is the amount of calories that changes depending on our gender, age, weight and height. If we play sports or do physical activity, our body also needs a higher calorie intake. In general, women need 1200-1500 kcal per day, while men need 1800-2000 kcal/day. In the case of sports, this amount can increase to 1.6-2.2 times.

People who want to lose weight often make the mistake of fasting. This may result in initial weight loss, but in the long term it may be to the detriment of our body, as our body cannot function properly due to an upset or very low carbohydrate-protein-fat intake.

Proteins are the main building blocks of our muscles, so it can be a big disadvantage if we don't get enough of them into our body on a daily basis. In the case of various diets, in addition to the fact that our muscles begin to atrophy, because the body burns calories from them, in general, the increased calorie intake after the diet can lead to weight gain again. It is important not only to calculate our basic metabolism and eat accordingly, but also to take a proportionate amount of carbohydrates, protein and fat into our body, and due to sports, we increase these proportionately.

Although it is sometimes nice to drink a cooling ice tea or cola, it is not recommended for those who want to lose weight. Because carbonated and sugary soft drinks, teas and lemonades, as well as sports drinks, not only do not promote weight loss, but unfortunately they can also cause serious diseases, as they increase the development of cardiovascular diseases and can also cause insulin resistance. For this reason, it is worth gradually reducing their intake and then completely abandoning them for the sake of weight loss and health.

In order to lose weight, it is important to eat properly, exercise and drink the right amount of fluids, or eat fiber. In the absence of liquid and fiber, our metabolism slows down, so our weight loss may even stop. If we can't pay attention to the intake of the right amount of liquid and fiber, then set a reminder when we need to drink, and pack vegetables in advance as a snack.

In addition to eating right and exercising regularly, calm and quality sleep is essential for losing weight, which means going to bed at roughly the same time and sleeping 6-8 hours a day. In case of stress, losing weight also becomes more difficult, because on the one hand, it is typical for many of us to start snacking when stressed, and as a result of stress, our cortisol level also rises, which in turn can prevent muscle building, so it is important to keep this level low when losing weight. In order to lose weight effectively, get enough sleep and, if you want to snack, eat vegetables or fruit (not the sugariest and not at night!), or 1-1 bars of high-percentage dark chocolate instead of sweets.

If we follow the advice listed earlier, eat regularly and with variety, exercise enough, avoid sugary drinks and even get enough rest, but our weight loss doesn't start or we can't keep losing weight, then it's definitely worth having our body checked, because it may also happen that there is an underlying medical reason, such as insulin resistance, hormone or thyroid problems.

In this case, you should visit our endocrinologist-internists or diabetologist.