October 1 - World Breast Cancer Day

Octoberis Breast Cancer Awareness Month, the first day of which October 1, World Breast Cancer Day.

Breast cancer is the most common cancer affecting women, the exact cause of which is still unknown, however, the primary and most important thing we can do against it is prevention.

The malignant tumor of the breast usually presents without pain at first as a lump in the form that can be felt with the free hand (which is why regular self-examination is very important!). In rarer cases, there are other characteristics besides the tumor, such as skin redness, edema, or skin ulceration. These tumors are located in the glandular tissue of the breast, grow relatively slowly and metastasize usually in nearby lymph nodes. Distant metastases most often occur in the bones, lungs, pleura, liver and adrenal glands, in rarer cases in the brain, skin and ovaries. >may occur.


The following factors can greatly increase the development of the disease:

  • genetic predisposition
  • smoking
  • excessive alcohol consumption
  • sedentary lifestyle
  • overweight
  • unhealthy lifestyle, diet rich in animal protein
  • lack of introspection


Against most of the factors mentioned above, reducing the risk of developing breast cancer by a conscious lifestyle and < We can do it with a healthy diet. Furthermore, with regular self-examination and screening tests, the disease can be prevented, or in the case of an already established disease, harmful cell proliferation can be recognized in time, so it can be cured successfully in its early stages.


Mammography screening is recommended for every woman over 40 every 2 years >, however, it is also recommended for people under 40 at similar intervals if there is a family history of breast cancer.

When should you visit our doctor immediately?

  • if a lump is felt in the breast or armpit during self-examination,
  • too hard, swollen, breasts,
  • in the case of itchy, reddened, discharge nipples,
  • in case of noticing an abnormal shape of the breast.