PrenaTest is a fast, accurate, and non-invasive prenatal test that can detect the same abnormalities such as, Down Syndrome and other numerical chromosomal abnormalities as the invasive methods, without the risk to the fetus from the expecting mother’s blood.
PrenaTest is the first non-invasive German-developed test in Europe, offering individualised prenatal screening from the 9th week of pregnancy, offering three test options.
- can detect the most common fetal chromosomal abnormalities in maternal blood
- the only one to distinguish between maternal and fetal DNA
- Screening for Down syndrome and other chromosomal abnormalities
- can be performed from the 9th week of pregnancy, even in the case of twins.

- Screening of the Down syndrome
- Definition of the sex of the fetus
- It can also be tested in case of twin pregnancy
- Screening for trisomies 21 (Down syndrome), 18 (Edwards syndrome) and 13 (Patau syndrome).
- Definition of the sex of the fetus
- Numerical abnormalities of sex (X and Y) chromosomes
- It can be performed in single and twin pregnancies
- Examination of DiGeorge syndrome (22q11.2 deletion) can be requested separately*
- This form of examination examines the most relevant abnormalities in terms of their occurrence and intrauterine identifiability, indicated by professional recommendations.
- It examines the entire chromosomal stock of the fetus, it provides results for numerical abnormalities of all autosomal and sex chromosomes, as well as possible duplications or deletions occurring in them, up to 7 Mb of detail
- It can be performed in single and twin pregnancies
- Examination of DiGeorge syndrome (22q11.2 deletion) can be requested separately*
- It can be performed in single and twin pregnancies
- Examination of DiGeorge syndrome (22q11.2 deletion) can be requested separately*
- The PrenaTest® tests for chromosomal abnormalities in the number and structure of chromosomes in the foetus. In addition to these types of genetic abnormalities, it can also test for the risk of genetic defects that can be inherited from parents.
- ORIGIN carrier screening is a test for genetic diseases carried by the parents and passed on to the foetus.
- The test screens for genetic diseases whose underlying genetic defects may be carried by the prospective parents but do not cause the disease in them, but if they carry the same abnormal genes, their child has a significant risk of developing the disease (25%).
- ORIGIN carrier screening can detect 30 genetic diseases, such as spinal muscular atrophy (SMA) or cystic fibrosis.
- It can be performed in single and twin pregnancies
- A combined study of PrenaTest® Plus and MONOGEN
- To test the entire fetal chromosome population and to detect any new health-damaging gene defects in the fetus.
- PrenaTest® tests for chromosomal abnormalities in number and structure in the fetus. However, in addition to chromosomal abnormalities, it can also test for defects or mutations in genes, so that diseases that can be traced back to a single gene, i.e. monogenic abnormalities, can be identified.
- The MONOGEN prenatal test screens for monogenic diseases identifiable in fetal DNA circulating in maternal blood.
- The MONOGEN test detects new health-damaging gene defects in the foetus. The overall prevalence of the genetic disorders tested is similar to the prevalence of Down's syndrome.
- The MONOGEN screening test tests for 44 emerging genetic diseases such as skeletal development disorders, cardiac malformations and complex developmental syndromes. The genetic diseases tested are often associated with neurodevelopmental disorders and neurological symptoms such as intellectual disability, epilepsy or autism.
- In addition to the PrenaTest®, the MONOGEN test, following professional recommendations, provides a complete, state-of-the-art molecular analysis of fetal DNA circulating in maternal blood.
- It can be performed in single and twin pregnancies
A combined study of PrenaTest® Plus, ORIGIN carrier screening and MONOGEN testing.
The PrenaTest® TOTAL test bundle combines PrenaTest® Plus, ORIGIN Carrier Screening and MONOGEN to provide a state-of-the-art and reassuring way to have a relaxed baby by testing for the full spectrum of testable fetal genetic diseases.
It can be performed in single and twin pregnancies
Fontos, hogy mielőtt kiválasztaná bármelyik nem invazív genetikai tesztünket, kérjük konzultáljon orvosával, vagy kérjen időpontot hozzánk genetikai tanácsadásra, hogy minél pontosabban tájékozódhasson a különböző tesztekről, illetve, hogy az Önnek legmegfelelőbb tesztet választhassa ki. Genetikai tanácsadásra, vagy PrenaTestre telefonon tud időpontot foglalni.