Nowadays, many women struggle with unpleasant complaints caused by vaginal dryness, which unfortunately is often not treated properly, or at all, because it is considered too sensitive a topic among women to dare to consult a doctor.

Ugyan az köztudott, hogy ez a probléma az idősebb nőket nagyobb számban érinti, főként klimax idején, azonban gyakran fordulhat ez elő fiatal nők esetében is. Kortól függetlenül fontos a panasz szakorvos által történő alapos kivizsgálása, mert ez nem csak a mindennapjainkat tudja elrontani, hanem a szexuális életünket is, valamint a panasz hátterében más olyan betegség is állhat, amelyet érdemes elkezdeni minél előbb kezelni.


Vaginal dryness can develop due to the lack of production of vaginal secretions, which can usually cause a burning, itchy sensation. In such cases, the vagina can become very sensitive and, for example, minor bleeding can occur due to damage to the mucous membrane after sexual intercourse. Another symptom may be yellow, foul-smelling discharge, which usually indicates an infection.


Women of changing ages

In the case of menopause, the production of estrogen in the female body decreases, as a result of which vaginal dryness may develop.

In case of long-term stress, the female hormonal balance in the body of women can be upset, which can also lead to vaginal dryness.

The start of milk production during pregnancy and after childbirth has an estrogen-reducing effect, which is one of the root causes of vaginal dryness.

When taking contraceptives and other medications, a disruption of the female hormone balance can occur, which can cause vaginal dryness.

Side effects of chemotherapy and pelvic radiation therapy can often cause vaginal dryness.

It is worth thoroughly investigating the background of the complaint, because in the case of vaginal dryness, the complaint can not only be alleviated (for example, by keeping it moist with a lubricant), but with the solution recommended by the specialist, it can even be eliminated for good.