Magnesium is an essential mineral for our body. In addition to the functioning of the nervous system and the immune system, it plays a role in digestion, blood pressure regulation, and the protection of bones and teeth.

Magnesium deficiency

Headaches, muscle spasms, and mood swings can occur as a result of magnesium deficiency. Deficiency can be caused by many factors, such as a stressful lifestyle, excessive exercise, work or an incorrect lifestyle. In the case of muscle spasms, we can mainly feel twitching of our eyelids or muscle twitching in our legs. It is important to eliminate this deficiency, because over time it can cause more serious problems, such as anxiety, depression, heart problems or even sports injuries.

A magnéziumhiány ritkán alakul ki elégtelen táplálkozás miatt. Többnyire egyes gyógyszerkészítmények okozzák ezt az állapotot. Például egyes vízhajtók, vérnyomáscsökkentők, kemoterápiás szerek, stb.


Magnesium can also be replaced naturally. It is found in small amounts in green leafy vegetables (e.g.: spinach, sorrel, kale), oil seeds (e.g.: walnuts, hazelnuts, almonds, sunflower seeds) and whole grains (e.g.: spelled wheat, rye, wheat bran).

In case of a more serious deficiency, it is worth taking a dietary supplement containing magnesium in addition to proper nutrition.

When taking other medicines, you have to be careful when you take them compared to the other medicine, because it dissolves poorly together with some active ingredients, and this can prevent the effective absorption of both medicines.

The role of magnesium is particularly important during pregnancy, as it helps the development of the fetus, the recovery of bones, and also plays a role in the functioning of the cardiovascular system, as well as in the regulation of insulin and blood sugar levels.

In our office, we provide the opportunity to perform various laboratory tests at a pre-booked time, without waiting in line!