Childbirth brings a huge change not only to the mother, but also to the whole family. In the few weeks following the birth of the child, the family has to deal with a number of new things and feelings and tasks that have not been experienced before, while the mother also has to put special emphasis on herself during this period in the interests of regeneration after childbirth.

The first 6 weeks after childbirth are called the childbed period. These 6 weeks are suitable for the parents to get to know their child better, for the daily tasks related to keeping and feeding the child to become routine, and for the situation that seems strange at the beginning to become normal.

After delivery, the mother and baby are observed for several days and kept in the hospital for various tests. If the tests have been done and both are fine, they will both be released after a few days. During the period spent in the hospital, one of the most important things is for the expectant mother to start her milk production. Unfortunately, nowadays, more and more people are anxious about not being able to breastfeed their child, which, together with the exhaustion after childbirth, can really make it difficult to start milk production. In such cases, it is worth visiting a specialist who can help the expectant mother to relax, recommend the intake of appropriate nutrients, and also recommend different milk production practices.

If milk production does not start in the first few days, there is no reason to worry, because our child does not need food in the first few days, only as much fluid (also to prevent jaundice), which can easily be replaced. After the start of milk production, it is also worth using the products recommended by the lactation consultant to prevent and treat initial mastitis.

Laktációs tanácsadónk, Vargyai Dia ajánlásával számos
szoptatást elősegítő terméket talál Rendelőnkben

Many mothers, who are patient with their child and with breastfeeding, will already know by the end of the childbearing period which are the foods that make them delicious breastmilk for your child, or on the contrary, what can trigger abdominal pain or diarrhea, and they recognize which one is crywith which their newborn baby indicates its hunger.

The first and most important task for mothers after giving birth is rest. It is not only their body that has to regenerate, but also their mood and spiritual changes due to the huge change in hormone levels. strong> they also have to deal with. In the first 1-2 weeks, it is worth lying next to the child as much as possible in order to have body contact and tune in to each other. It is very important that, in order to achieve proper regeneration, it is recommended for the expectant mother to rest when her child is sleeping, otherwise she may quickly become exhausted and irritable, which the baby will also feel and will make it more difficult to coordinate.

After 1-2 weeks after giving birth, paying attention to the body's signals, any kind of load for the mother can be started gradually.

The 6. hét végére aktuális esetben megfelelő terhelés és pihenés mellett a szülés utáni erős vérzés megszűnik, a hormonszint normalizálódik és az édesanya visszanyeri a szülést megelőző állapotát. Ahogy a felnőtt emberek közötti bensőségesebb kapcsolatok kialakítására is időre van szükség, úgy időre lehet szükség, hogy gyermekünket is egyre jobban megismerhessük és szoros kapcsolatot alakíthassunk ki vele. A 6. hét végére különböző sírásból eredő jelzésüket is felismerhetjük, hogy mikor éhesekszomjasakálmosak, mikor fáznak, mikor van melegük, vagy hogy mikor fáj valamijük. A gyermekágyas időszak végére ha türelmesek vagyunk és igyekszünk kialakítani egy napi rutint, akkor gyermekünk is könnyebben alkalmazkodik és kiszámíthatóbbá válik már étkezésükalvási idejük is, amely az egész család számára nagyobb nyugalmatbékét and boldogságot teremthet.

Terhesség előtti vitaminok, terhesség során szedhető táplálék-kiegészítők, valamint számos hasznos szülést követően használandó termékek találhatók a Villa Medicinában