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As you may have learned from our previous article, a superfood is a food that, thanks to its favorable nutritional composition, has more it provides a health advantage compared to other ingredients, so it is worth consuming them often for the sake of our body's health.

Earlier we learned that, among others, chiamag, goji berry, the aloe vera and plantain husk is also considered a superfood, but there are some other foods that are worth getting to know and incorporating into our diet.

What are these superfoods?

Green tea

The discovery of tea is still surrounded by legends. According to one such legend, the Chinese emperor Shen Nung discovered this delicious drink in 2737 BC when some tea leaves accidentally fell into water that was being boiled for drinking.

Today, tea is grown in 18 countries, from Asia to Africa and South America. The drink is made from the tender leaves and shoots of the evergreen tea bush, Camellia Sinensis. Harvesting tea requires great expertise, it is the most important process of tea processing.

All teas are made from the same raw material, freshly picked tea leaves, but not all of them go through all the processing phases. The most complicated and longest process is the preparation of black tea, the simplest is the processing of white tea, since during this process the leaves are only withered, dried and sorted.

Why is tea healthy?

The short-term effects of tea include stimulating thinking, eliminating sleepiness, and improving stamina. Its invigorating effect is naturally due to its caffeine content.

It owes its long-term positive physiological effects to the polyphenols it contains, which protect our cells from so-called free radicals. Chinese healing books already mention that green tea is effective against dysentery around 960, but modern research also confirms the bactericidal and anti-inflammatory effects of tea. According to research, drinking tea after meals effectively reduces blood pressure. When the beneficial physiological effects of tea consumption are mentioned, they mostly think of green tea, since the fermentation process is omitted during the processing of this type of tea, and as a result, the flavonol content will be higher.


wheat grass is nothing but freshly sprouted wheat.

Wheatgrass juice is obtained by harvesting and pressing a couple of days-old shoots of wheatgrass, which has a good effect on the digestive system and cures constipation. It is available in the form of juice and other dietary supplements, but if we are determined enough, we can also grow wheatgrass at home.

What are the health benefits of drinking wheatgrass juice?

It has a high vitamin, mineral and antioxidant content. It has a particularly high content of vitamins A, C and E, as well as iron, magnesium and calcium.

It contains 17 types of amino acids, of which 8 are essential.

Its long-term consumption can reduce cholesterol levels and help control blood sugar levels. Thanks to its high chlorophyll content, it also has anti-inflammatory properties.

Sea buckthorn

The buckthorn plant comes from Asia, but also grows in the Carpathian Basin.

Its orange-colored sour fruits are mainly used processed, in the form of jam, drinking juice, fruit juice, or compote, rather than raw. Its vitamin C content is outstanding, the same as the vitamin C content of rosehips, but it is also rich in minerals and antioxidants. Its orange color is due to its high flavonoid content, and this is where its immune-boosting effect comes from.

A tea can also be made from its dried leaves, which also has an immune-boosting and anti-inflammatory effect. The tea decoction is also often used for upper respiratory diseases.

Sea buckthorn seeds are used to make cold-pressed oil, which is also attributed with an immune-boosting effect.


Due to the strange appearance of the avocado, this fruit from Mexico is also called the alligator pear. Yes, fruit, although it is most often found among vegetables in stores. It grows on an evergreen, tropical tree, and the weight of the fruit can reach 1 kg.

It is a valuable fat source, rich in monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fatty acids, thus having an anti-inflammatory effect and increasing the level of good cholesterol.

It contains lutein, which protects our eyes from degenerative diseases.

Its excellent potassium and vitamin content (vitamins A, B1, B2, C, E) make it a real superfood. We can make a sandwich topping out of it, add it to salads and smoothies.


Algae are plants that are capable of photosynthesis, but do not have roots or leaves. Since the 16th century, the Japanese and other Asian peoples have enjoyed eating different types of algae, just think of the nori sheet that holds sushi together on the outside.

The widespread use of Spirulina, which is used today as a dietary supplement, started in the 80s when a healthy lifestyle became fashionable.

Its dark, bluish color is due to a strong antioxidant compound in it, called phycocyanin. It also contains lutein and zeaxatnhin, which protect the health of our eyes.

It can be used as a protein supplement in a strict vegetarian diet, its iron content is well used, and its high iodine content should also be highlighted.

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