Doctor examining female patient in hospital examination room. About women's health issues.

Gynecological Incontinence

DIFFERENT FORMS OF INCONTINENCE: Stress incontinence, Urge incontinence, Reflex incontinence, Overflow incontinence,
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The symptoms of urinary incontinence can originate from many different physical or psychological causes. Patients affected are usually not aware of the underlying causes of their problem; they are ashamed of their situation and often revert to “homemade“ solutions in order to conceal their ailment. Half of the affected patients do not consult a doctor, because many people think that above a certain age urinary incontinence is a “normal“ phenomenon that occurs with everybody. But in such a case, the first and most important step is to consult a specialist. Once the cause of the incontinence is revealed, it places the solution to heal the disease into our hands. In some cases the cause is reversible, meaning that the leakage of urine can be reversed and the triggering factor can be eliminated.


Stress incontinence is caused by a deficiency of the urethral sphincter. This is related to a weakness of the pelvic floor muscles. Movements putting abdominal pressure on the bladder, such as couching, laughing, sneezing, or lifting heavy objects can place excessive pressure that the urinary duct “releases“ by releasing the urine. Eliminating its causes and catalysts, if possible, can treat stress incontinence. This means enhancing the tissue flexibility and strengthening muscle power. The latter refers to the strengthening of the pelvic floor muscles through gymnastics. If the so-called conservative treatment methods do not lead to any result, the specialist can then perform a surgery. The specialist physician will suggest the most appropriate procedure and technique.
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A Urge incontinence is when the patient has a strong, sudden need that immediately forces him to urinate. The sphincter might be intact, but often the person affected cannot even hold the urine until she or he reaches the toilet. This condition is characterised by the frequently occurring urge to urinate at short intervals, including having to get up at night. The urinary bladder is not able to function at its previous reception capacity and already triggers the urge to urinate when it only contains a small amount of liquid. Patients affected by this problem have to go to the toilet 10-20 times a day and always have to pay attention to be near a restroom. After a while, this has a significant effect on the patient‘s everyday life.


In urge or urge incontinence, the stimulus forces the patient to urinate immediately when it occurs. The sphincter muscle may be intact, but it cannot hold urine many times until it reaches the toilet. It is characterized by a frequent urge to urinate at short intervals, with awakenings at night. The bladder is unable to function with its former capacity, the urge to urinate occurs even when it is slightly full. Such people go to urinate 10-20 times a day, they always make sure there is a toilet nearby. After a while, this significantly affects daily life. The reason is the increased sensitivity and irritability of the bladder wall and mucous membrane.

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A Causes of this type of incontinence are a heightened sensitivity and irritability of the urinary bladder wall and its mucous membrane. The condition can be prevented by reducing the intake of the substances secreted with and concentrated in the urine, which are irritating the inner walls of the urinary bladder (strong spices, nicotine, alcohol, caffeine).

The symptoms that the patient experiences are treated by medication. Recently, a new medication was introduced in Hungary that soothes the bladder and reduces related pains and sensitivity. Regular intake of this medicine reduces the involuntary contractions of the bladder wall, so that the patient does not have to get up at night that often anymore and can hold the urine for a longer time. Discomfort and compulsory reliance on the toilet will end.




My special qualifications include the investigation of complete female urinary incontinence, conservative and surgical treatment, the treatment of various types of gynecological prolapses, especially with “mesh” solutions. During my years abroad, I gained a high degree of proficiency in laparoscopic surgical techniques. I also have a “B” grade obstetrics and gynecology ultrasound qualification and an IOTA license.